Sending Comparison (Redlined) Documents
You can send comparison documents in various formats in LINK.
After running a comparison, you can email the document by tapping the email icon in the lower right of your screen. You have the option to send the current page or the full document.
The next screen displays your options for sending the document. First choose how to display the redlines - as tracked changes or inline text. The original and modified versions are also indicated. You have the option to run a reverse comparison by tapping the recycle button.
The bottom section shows your version options. You can choose how you’d like to send the original document, the modified document, the redline edits, and the format of the redline edits.
You can send the original and modified documents as either DOCX, PDF, both, or none.
You can choose to send all pages, only redlined pages, both, or none, and you can also chose the format of the redline as DOCX, PDF, both, or none.
Once you’ve make your selections, tap on the paper airplane in the upper right. LINK prepares an email compose screen with the copies attached. Complete the email and tap the paper airplane in the upper right again to send it.
You can view this entire workflow, including running the comparison here:
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