How to Export the Annotation Summary


After annotating a document in LINK, you can export the annotation summary as a PDF.

From your DMS, open an annotated document and tap on the “Outline” icon in the menu at the upper right.



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A pop-up menu appears with multiple tabs to display various information including a summation of bookmarked pages, annotated pages, document properties, and permissions.







In order to export a summary of all annotations, at the bottom of the pop-up on the right hand side, tap “export”. The summary file will be displayed.

At this point you can use the action icons at the bottom right of the screen to select how you’d like to share the summary. In this example, we will email the summary as a PDF, so we tap on the email icon.







You will be asked if you’d like to export all open files (this would include the original document and the summary) or just the current file (this would include the summary only). Next you’re asked if you’d like to send the current page or full document.







An email draft will appear with the annotation summary file attached. Simply fill in the email details and tap the paper airplane to send.



Mobile Helix, Inc.