Phishing Warning

Phishing Warning

Security Feature

LINK provides a phishing warning feature within the email application. This feature includes orange highlighted text with a warning icon that appears when the sender email address and the reply-to email address do not match, as shown in the first image below.


In the second image, you can see that the manager@mobilehelix.com email shows as the sender email, but the reply-to email is the more complex email underneath, displayed in blue text.


Phishing warning in orange text.


Sender and reply-to emails do not match.



This phishing warning does not tell employees what to do with this email, but is simply a very prominent reminder to pay closer attention to this email. Your employees should follow your organization’s policies on phishing attempts, which may be to either to delete or report phishing emails to your IT team.


Additional Email Security features can be found here:







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Mobile Helix, Inc.