LINK Email provides an integration with Zoom and Teams to allow Link customers to easily create Zoom and Teams to send online meeting links when composing emails.
To use Zoom (Teams) with Link, your LINK administrator must first enable this feature in two settings in the Link Controller. Once enabled, the Link Email user interface will update with two new features:
When composing an email, you will see a button with the Zoom logo. Tapping this button will embed a Zoom link in the email you are composing. This Zoom link is scheduled to start as soon as you send the email you are composing. The intent of this feature is to send an email and request the recipient to join the embedded Zoom link “right now,” upon receipt of the Email.
When creating a calendar event, a toggle will appear allowing the user to add a Zoom link to the meeting request. Unlike item 1, this online meeting is automatically scheduled to match the start and end times of the meeting request.
In addition to these features that allow users to schedule online Zoom meetings to coincide with sending an email or with a calendar invite, Link will also dynamically update your Zoom meetings as you make changes:
Deleting a meeting in Link deletes an embedded Zoom link.
Rescheduling a meeting in Link will automatically move the meeting in your Zoom account.
In order to access these features in Link, users must execute a one-time authorization step with Zoom. The first time you attempt to use these Link features, you will be prompted to authenticate with Zoom. Click confirm to continue. After continuing, you will be presented with an authentication page. This page will either be your organization’s single-sign-on integration with Zoom, or the Zoom login page. Enter your credentials, and upon successful authentication confirm that you authorize Link to access your Zoom account for the purpose of reading and writing online meetings. After this one-time authentication is complete, you may use the features of the Zoom/Link integration as outlined above.
This authorization step should only happen once each year.